The Maple Valley Emergency Repeater Association (MVERA) was formed as a separate entity to the MVARC to install and maintain Amateur Radio repeater systems in the Maple Valley, WA area. MVERA works together with the Maple Valley Amateur Radio Club (KC7KEY), and the Maple Valley ARES and CERT teams, to provide systems that directly benefit these groups. MVERA helps facilitate the exchange of information, to promote technical expertise, operating proficiency, and to facilitate emergency communications to assist the local ARES and CERT teams during times of emergency and disaster in the greater Maple Valley area. These radio systems are open and available to the Amateur Radio community, and we encourage the use of these resources.
Contact for more information and usage guidelines.
MVARC's Tuesday Night Net
If you're interested in participating in the Tuesday Night Net, join us every Tuesday evening starting at 8pm PT on the MVERA 2m Repeater (as listed above).
Given it's a social meeting over the air, we talk about the goings on in our little radio neighborhood, ham radio related or other.
When we complete check-ins and conversation on the repeater, we shift the Net to the simplex frequency of 146.54Mhz. This gives us an opportunity to test the range and capabilities of our radios, feedline and antennas in talking with those same friends and neighbors without the assistance of the repeater.
We hope you'll join in!
If you're interested in running the Tuesday Night Net, please reach out to Allen, K7KNI to find a time slot and tips, should you need any.
Tuesday Night Net preambles are located here:
KF7NPL 2m Analog Repeater
147.26Mhz, +0.600Mhz offset, (103.5Hz)
The Maple Valley 2m repeater system, KF7NPL, is an open repeater, run and managed by the Maple Valley Emergency Repeater Association, supported and utilized by the Maple Valley Amateur Radio Club and the Maple Valley ARES Team. The repeater is located in the heart of Maple Valley, near the intersections of Hwy 18 and Wax Road, and provides RF coverage to the Greater Maple Valley area. Through EchoLink and IRLP, the system can be connected via the Internet to repeaters, simplex nodes and end users all over the world.
QRZ link:
Frequency: 147.260MHz+
Tone: 103.5Hz
Radio: Yaesu DR-1X
Power Output: 18W
Antenna Height: 50’ tower, 480’ ASL
Antenna: Diamond X510 series, 8.3dB omni
IRLP: Node 3615 (note: currently offline, Internet access is currently unavailable until repeater site move is complete.)
Echolink: Node 286747, KF7NPL-R (note: currently offline, Internet access is currently unavailable until repeater site move is complete.)
Courtesy tone with increasing pitch indicates a local RF user, courtesy tone with decreasing pitch indicates a Echolink or IRLP user.
Only one Echolink or IRLP connection at a time, multiple systems/users can be connected together by connecting to a IRLP Reflector or an Echolink Conference (see and for conference and reflector status).
Do not leave the system unattended while connected to a IRLP or Echolink node, disconnect from remote nodes when you are finished.
Be sure to identify when controlling the system, challenge any user who does not identify (eg: “NS7C connecting to conference 9872” or “NS7C setting the repeater to event mode”).
Be courteous and mindful of any rules that apply to remote systems you connect to.
Voice of the repeater:
The repeater has a female, British voice ID, the identity happens to be the daughter, Lauren, KD7IAM, of the original repeater owner, Scott NS7C. Lauren does not live in the UK, and does not speak with a British accent. She did, however, attend Cornish College of the Arts and has her BFA in acting, writing and directing. Scott asked her if she would do the voice over for the repeater ID, specifically in a British accent and she was happy to comply free of charge.
D-Star Digital Voice Repeater
442.675+ KF7NPL_B
442.675+ KF7NPL_B
The D-Star repeater provides full D-Star Gateway and D-Plus services.
Frequency: 442.675Mhz+
Radio: Icom ID-R4000V, ID-RP2C
Gateway: Raspberry Pi 3b+ running Pi-Star
Node: KF7NPL_B
Output power: 25-30W
Antenna height: 48' tower, 950' ASL
Antenna: Comet GP-9