Membership and Engagement


Membership Information:

Are you interested in joining the Maple Valley Amateur Radio Club? An interest in amateur radio is the only requirement to join the Maple Valley Amateur Radio Club. 

To join MVARC, please download and complete the Membership Application Form. You can mail the form to the address listed, bring it in-person to the next club meeting or send via e-mail to

Dues are $14/year for Primary members, $7/year for the first additional family member with all remaining family members free. Dues are payable on April 1st of each year. Members joining after April 1st receive discounted, prorated dues.

Dues Payment Options

PO Box 1188
Maple Valley, WA 98038-1188

If you have questions about membership to the MVARC, please contact Club Treasurer via e-mail to

New Member Prorated Dues Schedule

Month Joined Full Member With Family Member 

May $14.00 $21.00
June $13.00 $20.00
July $11.50 $18.00
August $10.50 $16.00
September $9.00 $14.00
October $8.00 $12.00
November $6.50 $10.00
December $5.50 $8.00
January  $4.00 $6.00
February $3.00 $5.00
March $2.00 $3.00

Club Officers for 2023-2024

(callsigns are links to QRZ pages for each ham)

President - Vacant

Vice President - Vacant

Secretary - Vacant

Treasurer - Scott Gilyeat, KC7SAG

Member-at-Large - Rod Johnson, WE7X (Acting)

Club Roles for 2023-2024

(callsigns are links to QRZ pages for each ham)

ARES Leader - Scott Gilyeat, KC7SAG

Education - Vacant 

Membership Coordinator - Scott Gilyeat, KC7SAG

Net Manager - Rod Johnson, WE7X

Newsletter Editor - Vacant

Repeater - Vacant

Technical - Vacant

Web/Social Media - Vacant 

General Contact Information

Club email address for membership or information:

Mailing address:
Maple Valley Amateur Radio Club
P.O. Box 1188
Maple Valley, WA 98038-1188